I'll be honest when I was starting a blog I figured, "Hey, use the Google tool, it'll be easy." Good Lord, if I knew then what I know now. Turns out using a Google tool and then having Google recognize my content has been a shitshow since the beginning.
Oh I suspect it's user error as much as anything, but I don't think it's all on me.
There may be some people who remember banophernalia.com back in the good old days, before my provider messed up my domain renewal and cost me my site ... then I just never bothered trying to recover it. I also through a series of self inflicted wounds lost my content, and I discovered my backups were corrupted ... there went a decade's worth of content. Oh well. Spilled milk. There are still a couple of sites out there who reprinted my reviews which still makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Regardless, you're here that's what counts. This was my first post and more or less is what this is about. Stick around, poke around. You may not agree with a lot of what I blather on about, or you might. That's cool. Mostly this is me listening and meanderambling about what I thought. Sometimes it's coherent mostly it's a lot of run on sentences.
I write this likes it's a reaction video, without the video. Sometimes it's in real time as I listen and then I go back and to see if it makes sense ... most of the time.
Rock on, read on and keep on trucking
JMC (Jevon)
Formerly chief cook and bottle washer banophernalia.com (RIP)
Definitely a classic love song for the ages (or is that “aged”?!!). 😉
ReplyDeleteAh, this was meant for the Meat Loaf post. I just know it ... and yes it is aged. - JMC