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The Fixx - Walkabout

Fixx - Walkabout
By 1986 The Fixx had been on a creative run that would be the envy of a lot of bands. Like a lot of people I jumped on the bandwagon when the band released what is arguably their most well known album Reach the Beach. This was just a stating point, and in short order I had gone and picked up their debut, and then kept up with the band through 1991's Ink. The best song the band ever did was the long version of "Deeper and Deeper" and while it was available on the Streets of Fire Soundtrack it was a much shorter and far less satisfying version. It should have been in Phantoms on its entirety - sigh.

By the time Walkabout came out the musical landscape was all over the place. It truly was the best of times, the sheer number of classic songs and albums from this year is sort of mind boggling. It's against this backdrop The Fixx joined the fray. I remember the first time I heard "Secret Separation" and was totally blown away. It was, and still is amazing. If there's a better two chord song out there, let me know

The first side just pumped out one great track after another. This was a band at the top of their game and none of the songs felt contrived or half baked. There was a maturity and confidence that just seemed to permeate the tracks. The first three in particular are songs I had all over my mix tapes back in '86.

insert and cover
Side two was always the side I didn't play as often. Cut me some slack those records didn't turn themselves over. The groove on "One Look Up" is vintage Fixx and the ability to play around the notes was something the band were masters at. I was struck by the straightforward piano ballad "Read Between the Lines" which I didn't really remember, but as the band joins and it and adds colour it's a wonderful piece of music. It's an album cut to be sure, but one that certainly captures the mood of the album and seems like a song to allow the band to catch their breath. 

When they do they unleash "Sense of Adventure" a song that actually surprised me with its vitriol. I know that Cy would often have a lot to say, but honestly most of the time I would listen without hearing - kind of like an idiot version of Sherlock Holmes.

Not just because you have your answers
It should not mean my views are seen in vain
An earthly bid for resurrection
Will never soothe the human pain

It makes me wonder who the unfortunate soul was who knocked on his door trying to proselytize about their belief in their one true path to salvation.

It had been a while since I'd listened to this in a sitting. Walkabout was better than I remember it being. I always liked it, but that was due to the first three songs, but there are no weak songs here. There are a few standouts, but the rest are far from filler. They really did touch my heart so deeply.

back cover
As with all of the band's output to date, Rupert Hine sat in the producer's chair and Walkabout was recorded at the legendary Farmyard Studios in England.

The '80s belonged to The Fixx and the band released five albums, not including the mandatory Best of compilations (where the long version of "Deeper and Deeper"can be found). It was a decade they were architects in creating the soundscape others would emulate (Eight Seconds anyone?) and of course being so closely associated with a particular time and place has a downside. The band would continue to sporadically release new material although to be honest I haven't kept up. I did however pick up their new release Every Five Seconds which was a pleasant surprise.


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