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David + David - Boomtown

David + David
David Baerwald and David Ricketts released Boomtown back in 1986. I remember when I first heard this on the radio. I was enthralled, who were these guys. I've only experienced this feeling a few times, one memorable time when when I was driving my little sister home after a new year's eve party when I heard for the first and only time "Last Plane Out" by Toy Matinee - thankfully the DJ mentioned the band as I committed that to memory.

Hearing "Boomtown" was like that. Who were these guys? They would show up on MuchMusic and they'd talk about their tour, and how much they liked their opening act Robert Cray, who was riding a wave with the success of his Strong Persuader album. I don't know what that stuck with me - trivia is a wonderful thing and my accumulation of useless knowledge will certainly come in handy when the zombie apocalypse hits.

Of course I bought the album right away - and the lead off track was the money shot, but then it was followed up by "Swallowed by the Cracks" another really strong song. This in turned was followed by "Ain't so Easy" another incredible pop song wrapped around vivid imagery. All three were singles but here at home I don't remember hearing them - but it didn't matter, they were on most of the mix tapes that year.

I'll be honest and admit that it was those first three that captured my imagination, and when I think of the album it's these three songs that come to mind. There are a half dozen more songs, but for what ever reason I never really got past the first side very often.

It's been a long time since I say and listened to this one start to finish. The closing track on the first side "Being Alone Together" seemed like a tonal shift, the song is still great and filled with vitriol but it didn't have that buzz the first three had. This isn't a shot, listening now I appreciate this far more now than I back then.

The second side is the one I decided to spend more time with. Sort of a belated apology for ignoring it for all these years. If anything the songs are more complex and challenging. David Baerwald's voice that was equal parts growl and storyteller and the music was there to convey and support the emotional gut punch. It's weird hearing this now, and really listening. There is a vague sense of familiarity, as it isn't like I never played this side, but it still feels very much like a new discovery. When "Swimming in the Ocean" started I perked up, the interplay between the guitars, with the staccato bass between the notes and the driving beat combined with the moody vocals this was a killer song. It was very '80's without the weird synth cheese. My goodness what a groove. The album closes out with "Heroes" a song that would hint at the direction his solo work would take with more of an organic Americana bent. 

It's a quite a journey over nine songs and don't make the same mistake I made in focusing on the "hits" take the time to soak it all in. I'd always thought of this as an excellent record - it really is.

This would be there one and only release, and of course I'd have loved to have more - but I suspect they said what they had to say and that was enough. Welcome to the boomtown.


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